Research on New seeds varieties:
In the Mid-1990s the Kenyan Government began to slowly liberalize the domestic seed market. Western Seed Company (WSC), an early entrant in this newly opened market, released it’s first commercial maize variety in 1999.
Cotton Production
The Cotton industry ‘ Vision 2030’ Under the Kenya Government’s policy for addressing poverty ‘Kenya Vision 2030’, cotton has been identified as a key sub-sector with the potential to benefit 8 million people in the drier areas of the country. The Cotton Development Authority (CODA) has been set-up to coordinate rehabilitation of the cotton sector.
Soil Survey and Sampling
The purpose of this study was to examine soil characterists along the agro-ecological gradient of the northeastern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Kajiado District, Kenya. The results of the soil analyses will be compared to results from a plant and land use survey and land use change analyses conducted in the same areas (published in the other LUCID working papers).
Soil Capital
This paper combines knowledge from soil science and economics to estimate economic determinants of soil capital. Explaining soil capital facilitates a better understanding of constraints and opportunities for increased agricultural production and reduced land degradation. This study builds on an unusually rich data set that combines data on soil capital (represented by chemical and physical properties) and economic data on household characteristics, labor supply, crop allocation, and conservation investments. The study yields both methodological and policy-relevant results.
Kenya’s Industrial Transformation Programme
The Ministry of Industry, Investment ad Trade (MOIIT) has developed this strategic, comprehensive and integrated programme to guide Kenya on its journey to industrialization. The programme is guided by Kenya Vision 2030, the country’s economic development blueprint that aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, “middle-income country providing a high-quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030”. The objective of the Economic Pillar of Vision 2030 is to create a robust, diversified and competitive manufacturing sector in three ways: 1) boosting local production, 2) expanding to the regional market and 3) taking advantage of global
market niches.